From May 29 to June 30, 2023 Eleusis European Capital of Culture and the international artist and educator Jenny Marketou, organize Mystery 42 Futuring Waters, a series of public interdisciplinary and interartistic meetings (workshops, lectures, performances, podcasts, site visits, etc.) with the help of Greek and international scientists, artists, curators, architects, archaeologists, activists but also active citizens of Eleusis among others, contributing to the creation of a manifesto for water rights for Elefsina exploring potential social-ecological futures. Following these meetings, the manifesto, entitled A Speculative Manifesto Claiming the Water Rights for Elefsina, will be presented between September 15 and October 2 within the framework of Ecoculture Festival, and will be accompanied by an art exhibition and a special printed edition.
Everyone has the right to participate in the meetings, both children from the age of 12 years old and adults. The participation of residents of Elefsina is encouraged.

The participation is free of charge.
Applications: Please complete the form HERE.
Event venue: Canteen art hub
Workshop dates: May 28 to June 30, 2023
A Speculative Manifesto Claiming the Water Rights for Elefsina: September 15 to October 2, 2023
Participants have the right to participate in one or more meetings and one or more workshops. See the detailed programme HERE.