2023 Eleusis European Capital of Culture is organising a rich program of events, for all ages in March in Elefsina; Exhibitions and Art Installations, Gastronomic trips to Mandra, Educational activities, Interdisciplinary Art Projects, Μusical Αctivities in the archaeological site and Artistic Actions in streets and coffee shops, guided tours using digital arts, Sound Walks and original Open Calls to participatory artistic projects on the city’s coastline.

Mystery 41 Design Campus| Saturday March 4 (11:00)
n the morning of the same day (March 4 at 11:00), 2023 Eleusis and the Design Campus team invite the residents of Elefsina, student architects and urban planners to the first informational meeting of Mystery 41 Design Campus, which will take place at ΕΛΕVΣΙΣ Innovation Lab by 2023 Eleusis, inside the TITAN Factory. A mapping activity for the city and its environmental problems, with the aim of organising an action plan for the reuse of the until recently inactive Oasis, former campsite. Learn more here.

Mystery 100 The Sacred Songs | Sunday March 19 (12:00-13:30)
Mystery 100 The Sacred Songs returns on March 19 with a musical performance, curated by Lambros Liavas, for the Spring Equinox and the Great Psychosabbath of Lent, with texts and folk songs about the divine and human passion. In the archeological site of Elefsina, a place full of symbolism, the ancient dances and the lamentation of Demeter meet the “Fate of the Virgin Mary” and the folk obituaries from Epirus and Pontus. Learn more here.

Mystery 60 metamorphoSEA | #OpenCall
Drawing inspiration from the coast of Elefsina and specifically the area of Vlycha, a series of three-month workshops and participative rehearsals are being implemented, under the guidance of the internationally recognized Dutchman Sjoerd Wagenaar, inviting the people of Elefsina to jointly envision a better future for the city’s environment and coastal front. Applications until April 20, 2023.here.
As part of the same action, 2023 Eleusis seeks two young and emerging artists from Elefsina to participate in an artistic residency program and travel to one of the cities of their choice [Vilnius (Lithuania), Cluj. (Romania), Copenhagen (Denmark), Istanbul (Turkey), Oulu (Finland)]. Applications until April 20. More information here.

Mystery 7 Free University of Elefsina – IN SITU | Applications until March 15 here
Mystery 7 Free University of Elefsina – IN SITU begins on the themes of Environment & Health and Cultural Policy. The program is provided free of charge and aims to cultivate free thinking and offer scientific knowledge to a large and diverse – age-wise, socially and educationally – audience.

Mystery 93 Xyliki | Tuesday March 21 (17:30 & 19:30)
Mystery 93 Xyliki is launched in collaboration with the AMOR OMNIA team on March 21, World Poetry Day. High School students of Elefsina, under the instructions and supervision of the poet and publisher Antonis Tsokos, recite poems anthologized from the Greek and international poetic production, about Time and its removal, Rapture and Absence. Learn more here.

Mystery 68 STALKER| Registrations from March 15 here
Are you from Elefsina and have special interest or knowledge of archeology and history or industrial heritage? Come together to create a walking experience on industrial archeology or the history and archeology of your city.
During March…

Sound Walk | Discover the soundscapes of Elefsina through an app
A unique site-specific and geo-located- sound walk in Elefsina is available for those visitors who wish to have an acoustic experience while walking around the city. It is a creation of the Akoo.o team, consisting of Dana Papachristou, Giorgos Samantas, Sofia Grigoriadou and Nikos Boumparis and is accessible through the Echoes.xyz.

Mystery 44 Heiner Goebbels 7 Columns| Until 23.04.2023
The artist and composer Heiner Goebbels transforms the Old Oil Mill of Elefsina, into a kind of Telesterion, a place of secular initiation, through the exhibition Mystery 44 Heiner Goebbels 7 Columns. Learn more here.

Mystery 17 Melina | Until 23.04.2023
This exhibition brings the multi-faceted persona of a brilliant actress, a resolute champion of democracy, and a tireless politician to life. Learn more here.

Mystery 177 Visions from the Underworld| Until 08.04.2023
Freely borrowing elements from the Eleusinian Mysteries, the group exhibition Visions from the Underworld, curated by The Agprognostic Temple, takes the myth and the secret cult around it as a starting point and way of navigating between parallel universes. Learn more here.

Μυστήριο 29 Ελευσίνα – Ωμό Μουσείο | Εως τις 26.03.2023
An exhibition – ode to the city of Elefsina in the renovated Old Town Hall curated by Erato Koutsoudakis.. Learn more here.