Today in Elefsina, this land of contrasts, where inevitable reflections on the ancient and industrial past and the human tapestry of modern history meet the necessary visions of a more ecological future, a persistent dialogue is cultivated. And it is these inherent contrasts − both overt and hidden − within the makeup of the city that constantly invite and inspire each and every cinematic gaze that dares to traverse it. Thus, the Eleusinian land offers itself as an ideal site for cinematic depictions of the Real, encounters and dialogues.

Content-wise, the Festival will attempt to present the public with new as well as older films selected by an internationally renowned committee, focusing on themes about the environment, politics and labour with aesthetic criteria. The Festival will also include a special archival session in cooperation with the Greek Film Archive as well as parallel activities (lectures, debates, guided tours and educational workshops). Some of the screenings will take place in unexpected venues and locations around the city, creating unique site-specific experiences for viewing documentary films. Moreover, from autumn 2023 onwards, the Documentary Festival will find its home inside the historic and soon to be restored Cine – Eleusis space.
The Documentary Festival Cine – Eleusis: IN SITU realities is a concept by 2023 Eleusis European Capital of Culture that – due to its singular nature, and until such time as it is made an autonomous legal entity – is being realised in cooperation with existing, carefully selected organisations and groups. The aim is for the Festival to remain in the city as an ongoing institution.