In the context of World Radio Day, the online community radio station Mystery 37 Voices of Elefsina, organizes on Tuesday, February 13 an open event, broadcasting live from its base, the Old Railway Station, including a rich program with live broadcasts, news, music, readings, tributes and… experimentation. In addition, the creative team, all residents of Elefsina and the wider region, along with special guests from the world of radio, will convey experiences, thoughts and stories about their involvement with this favourite medium.
From 19:00 to 21:00 Mystery 37 Voices of Elefsina will broadcast live via the community radio station voicesofelefsina.eu, with the members of the team sharing the microphone with selected guests from the world of radio. The station will be open to welcome listeners and residents of Elefsina, who will have the opportunity to tour the station’s premises, exchange thoughts and ideas about the project, and chat with the members who make up the radio team.
The event will be followed by a party in the courtyard of the Old Railway Station with music selections by Djs from Elefsina and the surrounding area.
A few words about Mystery 37 Voices of Elefsina
The online community radio station Mystery 37 Voices of Elefsina has been on air for a few months now, broadcasting live a versatile program that includes live shows, news, music, readings, tributes and experimentation. The station is the outcome of a series of actions and workshops organized by 2023 Eleusis European Capital of Culture, curated by the Zoetrope Athens art space team, in collaboration with the Berliner artist Karl Heinz Jeron. The creative team already consists of 15 participants, residents of Elefsina and the surrounding areas, who already make up a rich, vibrant radio community.
Those who wish to join the team, taking part in many creative ways in the city’s only community radio station, can contact the team via e-mail voicesofelefsina@2023eleusis.eu.
A few words about World Radio Day:
UNESCO has designated 13 February as World Radio Day, on which UN Radio was first launched in 1946. The purpose of World Radio Day is to celebrate radio as a medium of mass communication, to improve international cooperation between radio organisations and to encourage major international networks, as well as local radio stations, to promote access to information and freedom of expression in the radio waves.