The streets of two of Europe’s cultural capitals will unite with a series of Contemporary Circus site-specific events titled Mystery 16 Together! A Circus Invitation with the support of the Creative Europe programme.
From the 13th to the 20th of June in Elefsina, Greece and from the 16th to the 23rd of September in Veszprem, Hungary, the new poetic form of the circus invites us to put aside what separates us, to meet and create TOGETHER. The eight-day event will feature 20 circus artists from Greece, Hungary, and Ukraine, in actions designed for the urban landscape with the philosophy of Site Specific Performances.

The project is being spearheaded by the Artistic Vision of Albin Warette from Toulouse, France. The project collaborators are: Monokyklo Circus (GR), The Hungarian Juggling Association (HU), Culture en Movements (FR), and Kyiv Municipal Academy of Performing and Circus Arts (UA).

“Together! A Circus Invitation” is a circus invitation that will bring Elefsina, its residents, as well as artists and fans of contemporary circus from all over Greece, TOGETHER.” Circus arts have the power to connect people from all walks of life and create a sense of unity and understanding between different cultures. At the same time, the technique of Site Specific Performances concerns projects that are not simply presented in a space but are created taking into account the location – history, architecture, landscape and people – both in design and implementation. People and landscapes become one in Elefsina through the co-creation of artists and the world in selected parts of the city.