2023 Eleusis European Capital of Culture supports Pharos Bi Short Film Festival (PBSFF), which will take place from 17 to 20 October at Cine Eleusis. The event is co-organized by PBSFF and the Municipality of Mandra-Eidyllia.
Pharos BI Short Film Festival is an international, four-day and competitive film festival, which highlights and showcases the work of emerging creators from Greece, US, UK, Australia, Germany, South Africa, Israel, Canada, Italy and more.
Alongside the screenings, the festival includes a series of participatory discussions with the directors, creating an open space for cultural exchange and dialogue. Its aim is to strengthen culture through the art of cinema and explore new creative approaches emerging from the work of up-and-coming filmmakers.
Deatiled Programme
Thursday 17/10
20:30: Opening Ceremony
20:45: Meeting with the directors ofthe day
21:15: Screening of selected short films
The Cost (Vagelis Karampasoglou, Alexandros Saoulidis, 25’)
Celestial Bodies (Alex Chariot, 12:52’)
Sock’s Manifesto (Angeliki Pardalidou, 4’)
Silhouette (Savva Dolomanov, 18:06 )
Look at the Stars ’(Aris Kouvaras, 11:34’)
If I knew (Piro Gjylameti, 15’)
The (W)hole (Jiansu Wang, 3:45)
Mine (Ilya Sovetov, 21:27)
Time, Transfigured (Giannis Varlamis, 14:35)
Friday 18/10
20:30: Begging
20:45: Meeting with the directors of the day
21:15: Screening of selected short films
Dyosmos (Alexandros Georgios Sotiropoulos, 24:47’)
Bad seed (Nadège Herrygers, 12’)
Dirty water (Ali Sabokbar, 10’)
Cani (M.G. Naar, Andrea Banfi, 15’)
Bird Drone (Radheya Jang Jegatheva, 8:55’)
Lemons (Nikos Pavlineris, 15:42’)
Trial Lesson (Mattia Rigatti, 6:24’)
Isra (Evi Koroni, 8’)
I promise you Paradise (Morad Mostafa, 22)’
Orca (Nikos Lymperopoulos, 21:33)
Curve (Dan Zeng, 30’)
Saturday 19/10
20:30: Beggining
20:45: Meeting with the directors of the day
21:15: Screening of selected short films
A Tree once grew here (Johnnie Semerad, 6:59’)
Sidelined (Romain Fleury, 3:20’)
Parebrise (Theodore Vrachas, 18’)
Why won’t you Dance (Penelope Mavropsaridi, 15’)
Freaks (Lazaros Mylonas, 28’)
Burial (Jerzy Czachowski, 14:21)’
Quiet Drive (Savva Dolomanov, 4:41’)
Is (Kostas Bakouris, 5:30’)
Beyond the sea (Hippolyte Leibovici, 25’)
Bubbles (Meri Dishnica, 15’)
Our road (Valasia Dodulu, 4:05’)
Orange shoes (Stylianos Chrysostomou, 9:21)
Sunday 20/10
20:30: Beggining
20:45: Re – screening of Selected Award-Winning Films
22:30: Annual Awards Ceremony – The jury consists of director, screenwriter, producer, and art director of the festival, Michalis Tigiridis, actor Tasos Tziviskos, and the film critic Amalia Mavridou.