2023 Eleusis European Capital of Culture supports the event “Stories of Mobility | From the Mediterranean to the Neighborhood of Elefsina’s Settlement,” organized by the cultural organization Busart on Thursday 10 October at 19:30 in Elefsina. This event is part of the concluding meeting of the Elefsina Meeting under the Ready Steady Go! programme. A diverse group of cultural professionals and artists from Serbia, Italy, Spain, Greece, Croatia, Egypt, Tunisia, and Morocco, representing various artistic fields—circus, photography, festivals, visual, and performing arts—meet with the Association of Asia Minor Refugees of Elefsina for an open, walkable presentation of works that narrate contemporary stories of cultural mobility.
The narrow streets of the Settlement, a neighborhood established by Asia Minor refugees, which has left an indelible mark on the social, economic, and cultural development of the city and the country, will host 12 small-scale installations and performances, the result of the Erasmus+ program Ready Steady Go!, which supports the artistic mobility of young professionals and artists.
Following the Settlement Festival (2018, 2019), the work of Yolanda Markopoulou with the Association of Asia Minor Refugees (“I_FLED Asia Minor”), and other initiatives that shed light on the unknown neighborhood of Upper Elefsina, this collective project returns, raising new issues and discussions about the inalienable rights of artists to mobility and how they balance this with the modern challenge of climate justice.
About Ready Steady Go!
Is a 10-month training/travel program that welcomes 14 artists and cultural professionals from the Mediterranean.
It is implemented by the Roberto Cimetta Fund in collaboration with Liv.in.g (IT), Busart (GR), Al Badil (TU), Amuni (FR).
Through experiential workshops, online capacity building meetings and two international meetings, in Palermo (Italy) and Elefsina (Greece), Ready Steady Go!
aims to support artists and cultural professionals to identify and apply for funding and international mobility programmes with a view to enhancing their access to the international scene.