In the framework of Mystery 99 The Ark, the art collective TimeCircus from Antwerp traversed Europe on a land ship (the Landship) and arrived at Elefsina, to create a wooden Ark of Eternal Youth, a space of culture, cooperation, inclusion and free creation. With their long journey being both a vivid commentary on the 21st century of recession, climate change and unbridled consumption of natural resources, as well as the longest pilgrimage in the city’s 3,500 years of history, the trace of this adventure took the form of a complex of original construction: the Ark, an arched architectural structure, the Sphere, and the Skate Park, a project that has been a long-standing desire of the city’s youth and now adorns the area of the Old Kilns in Elefsina, realised with the financial support of the Onassis Foundation.
CONCEPT & DESIGN: Art Collective TimeCircus