The online community radio station of the city, “Voices of Elefsina,” broadcasted live from the Old Town Hall on Saturday 8 March, during an open event for the public, which was co-organized with 2023 Eleusis. Following this, a panel discussion titled “The Radio Voice as the Shadow of the Soul” took place, featuring professors from the University of Patras who volunteer at the radio station “Up fm.” Specifically, the panel included Associate Professor of the Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Sofia Malefaki, Emeritus Professor of the Department of Civil Engineering, Konstantinos Papadakis, and member of the community radio “Voices of Elefsina,” Thanasis Verdis. The discussion focused on the value of radio as a medium for activating students and exchanging ideas, as well as the significant contribution of volunteerism, as the station operates exclusively through the participation and contributions of its members.
Afterward, a second panel discussion took place on the topic “The Importance of Radio as a Communication Tool for the Community,” with the Deputy Regional Governor of Western Attica, Kleanthis Varelas, the Director of Strategic Planning & Operations at the World Human Forum – Former Director of Cultural Training of 2023 Eleusis, Angeliki Lampiri, and member of the community radio “Voices of Elefsina,” Giannis Syleounis. The discussion was moderated on behalf of the artistic direction of 2023 Eleusis by Zeta Pasparaki. The event concluded with a party at Krokosis.