After Eleusis successfully entered to the shortlist, Eleusis21 European Capital of Culture – Candidate City invited all the citizens of Eleusis in an open city hall council’s meeting regarding our claim for the title of the European Capital of Culture.
Eleusis City Hall was filled with citizens and friends of Eleusis who exchanged views and were informed on our city’s claim for the title of the European Capital of Culture 2021.
More specifically, in the open council’s meeting were presented the main topics of the bidbook: Gabriel Kampanis was referred to the strengths of our candidacy, George Skianis spoke about our cultural strategy, Kelly Diapouli presented the artistic program and the European dimension of the programs, Maria Vassileiou talked about the infrastructure, Vicky Pasiopoulou spoke about the programs related to the citizens’ activation and Peggy Tsolakaki presented the accommodation infrastructure.
The Mayor of Elefsina, George Tsoukalas, closed this special city council, he strongly emphasized that the goal of the European Cultural Capital can unite the citizens and asked from the city council and from the organizations of Eleusis to join their forces for this common goal.
All the attendees of the city hall’s council, deputies of the Region of Attica, the Regional Vice Governor of Attica, Associations’ representatives and artists expressed their wholehearted support to our candidacy.
Thank you all for your presence and for being part of the transition to EUphoria.
The best is yet to come!