EleusisBox, a cards game and a portable library under the theme of Public Space that Motus Terrae (Eleusis, Greece) and DCalk (Tours, France) are constructing together with the citizens of Eleusis, travelled to the Dutch city Leeuwarden that is European Capital of Culture in 2018.
Motus Terrae – Centre for Arts in Public Space and its collaborative project ‘Eleusisbox’ with the French game designers organization DCalk travelled to Leeuwarden for the Interim Meeting of Tandem Europe. After the Eleusisbox’s game evening and workshops last April in Eleusis, Motus Terrae and DCalk travelled to Leeuwarden to share their experience from the first placement in Eleusis and get to know better the other 14 Tandem Europe projects.
The Tandem Interim meeting was held at Blokhuisplein 40, an old prison where now there are situated the offices of Leeuwarden-Fryslân 2018 and there are hosted 130 Dutch cultural organizations. All the participants of the Interim Meeting had the chance to work on this place and get closer to Leeuwarden that is preparing to host the title of ECOC in 2018, learn from their experiences and feel the rhythm of the city.
All the Tandem partners had the chance to further develop their projects as well as to discuss and exchange ideas through peer to peer workshops, seminars, presentations and documentary film screening. They discovered Leeuwarden through cycling around the city and in organized dinners with the locals of Leeuwarden.
Eleusisbox is a project supported by Tandem Europe, an exchange programme that assists cultural organisations in building long-term, international working relationships. Tandem Europe is tailor-made for cultural managers who work on creative solutions that make social innovation possible throughout the EU. The programme stimulates strategic thinking in organisational renewal processes, helps to create and sustain culturally innovative effects across sectors, disciplines and borders and explores creative and collaborative solutions for contemporary challenges in our societies. TANDEM has brought together more than 200 independent cultural organisations and supported the professional development of over 150 cultural managers coming from more than 80 cities and 25 countries in wider Europe.
The Tandem partners had also the chance to visit the festival Welcome to The Village in Leeuwarden, a festival that sees itself as a temporary miniature society, full of concerts, performances, workshops…the perfect environment for innovation testing. Part of the festival is the program DORP (village in dutch) that sees the festival as a contemporary village that has the same issues as a normal city such as water management, waste management, sustainability, energy as well as social issues. The goal is to invite students, artists, architects, scientists and entrepreneurs from all over the world to innovate together and come up with sustainable solutions for nowadays challenges.
The final meeting of Tandem Europe will be held in Athens and in Eleusis.