Aimilia Liontou (ΑΤ)
Stepping Stones
In situ Installation
Concrete, marble, found material from café/club IRIS
In an attempt to reclaim the city’s memories of its multifaceted history, Emilia renovates a part of the old IRIS club’s floor, a landmark for the city of Eleusina until the beginning of this millennium, next to the seashore. In an in-situ installation, she constructs a “terrazzo” using material she herself collected from the club, the beach and the city. Emilia is interested in the gesture of building up on ruins, a gesture of reclaiming their space and their place. Her work attempts to re-use found materials, in her attempt to adopt a more eco friendly/recycling practice, which aligns with the architecture of the city as well the terrazzo idea. In this way, Emilia incorporates traces of the past building and the city, into a new one. Further inspired by the labor residencies of Eleusina, Emilia aims in creating a liminal space, with the desire to retrieve the memories that are stranded in the limits between private and public space.
Curation: Yellow Brick