On the occasion of the presentation of “Meeting the Odyssey” project, Eleusis21 invites representatives of the Greek cities that candidate for the title of the ECoC 2021 in a networking meeting on Monday, February 1st at the Cultural Organization of Eleusis.
“Meeting the Odyssey” is a five – years collaborative projects between cultural organizations of 11 different European countries that has been funded by the “Culture” programme of the European Commission in the strand of multi-annual co-operative projects. Based on the “Odyssey”, a sailing boat with a multinational group of 40 artists cross Europe, from the Baltic sea to the Mediterranean. In the course of their journey, they stop in a number of cities across Europe and document the “odysseys” of contemporary European citizens. This documentation becomes the material on which they develop 4 central performances and a number of instant performances, lectures and workshops. The journey concludes in Greece in the summer of 2016, when the boat reaches Greece. At that time, all the performances come together for the first time, giving a clear image of the diversity and the hot issues of contemporary Europe.
The networking meeting is an opportunity for Greek ECoC candidate cities to meet with potential partners from many different EU countries and get to know important aspects of putting together and managing a multi – annual co-operative EU project. At the same time, it is an opportunity to put into practice a Greek network of cultural co-operation at local level.