The creative collective TimeCircus is traversing Europe on foot dragging the massiveLandship and needs your help to reach Elefsina!
They started on May 27, 2022 from Antwerp, passed through the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Romania and their goal is to reach Elefsina on Saturday, February 4, 2023 and take part in the spectacular Opening Ceremony of the 2023 Eleusis European Capital of Culture. Their long journey emits a vivid commentary on the 21st century of recession, climate change and the immeasurable consumption of natural resources.
On December 16, TimeCircus arrives in Katerini pushing the landship which is on two wheels, weighs 3,400 kg, is 3.6 meters high and 9 meters long. They will pass through 23 Greek cities including Larissa, Edipsos, Livanates, Thebes, Magoula and by the time they reach the Opening Ceremony of 2023 Eleusis they will have traveled 3,000 kilometers on foot, in nine months!
Join the team for a few minutes, a few hours or even days and push the landhsip up a difficult uphill, learn how to reuse materials through recycling, meet people from different cultures, but above all become part of a common goal by sending the message that social changes are triggered by people with passion and strong will!
The goal of TimeCircus upon their arrival in Elefsina, is to build with the participation of the residents The ARK, an active cultural center, from recyclable materials, with the ultimate goal of the free circulation of ideas, the interaction with different social groups, the experimentation with new methods and practices, getting to know innovative approaches and models of sustainable development. At the center of The Ark will dominate the landship, which will act as a mobile group exhibition of all the materials and stories collected by the team throughout their journey.
FInd out here the TimeCircus route and meet them in one of the following cities:
- Katerini
- Leptokaria
- Larissa
- Velestino
- Agiocampos
- Arkitsa
- Livanates
- Atalanti
- Orxomenos
- Aliartos
- Thebes
- Magoula
A few words about TimeCircus:
TimeCircus have built installations, artworks and meeting spaces in public space, always using recycled materials and calling their style “Archaic-Futuristic”. Following the ideology “by man for man”, each of their works exists because of its actual use. They believe that any social change comes only from the actions of small groups. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful and committed citizens can change the world…” (Margaret Mead). The creative core of the group consists of 15 artists, artisans and creators and an active group of volunteers, while during its artistic interventions, the group also approaches random passers-by to contribute to its projects and actions.